Who to call?
Victims of rape & sexual violence can access forensic exams, sexual assault advocacy, & follow-up resources at family justice centers & rape crisis centers located throughout the state of Tennessee.
You can find a list of sexual assault exam sites below. All services are free and confidential.
East Tennessee
Branch House Family Justice Center
313 Foothills Dr.
Blountville, TN 37617
24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline: (423) 574-7233
Website: https://www.branchhousetn.org
Located in Sullivan County, Branch House serves the Northeast region of Tennessee
24/7 on-site sexual assault examinations
Sexual assault advocacy, counseling, & legal assistance
Assistance filing for victim compensation, orders of protection, & the Safe at Home program
Scott Appalachian Industries
591 E. Monticello Pike
Huntsville, TN 37756
24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline: (423) 539-6499
Main Office: (423) 663-9300
Website: https://www.go-sai.com/sexual-assault-care
SAI serves Scott County & Huntsville, Tennessee
24/7 sexual assault examinations
Sexual assault advocacy for survivors, family, & friends
Assistance filing for victim compensation & orders of protection
Referrals for counseling & follow-up resources
Middle Tennessee
Partnership Rape Crisis Center
5600 Brainerd Rd, Suite E-3
Chattanooga, TN 37411
24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline: (423) 755-2700
Website: https://www.partnershipfca.com/129.119/rape-crisis-center
Located in Hamilton County Tennessee, PRCC serves the greater Chattanooga area including Marion County
24/7 sexual assault examinations
Sexual assault, legal, & court advocacy
Crisis counseling, trauma-informed therapy, follow-up case management, & resource referals
West Tennessee
Shelby County Crime Victims & Rape Crisis Center
1060 Madison Ave.
Memphis, TN 38104
24-Hour Sexual Assault Hotline: (901) 222-4350
Main Office: (901) 222-3950
Website: https://www.shelbycountytn.gov/victim
Located in Memphis, CVRCC provides services to residents of Shelby County or victims of crimes that occurred in Shelby County
24/7 forensic medical examinations
Sexual assault advocacy & crisis counseling
Assistance filing for victim compensation & orders of protection
Spanish-speaking victim advocates & counselors available